Saturday, 24 July 2010

My 3 day summer school at Adult education was cancelled because there were not enough students, five signed up but 3 were concessions so finances did not add up, I was looking forward to it despite other commitments, i always enjoy a three day class as students really get a lot done.I went to Goddington Gardens to hang Decopodastica it looks good in an alcove in the Italian Garden.

Friday I took HOPS,(the club I run ) to watch Polo, my niece and her husband demonstrated the skills needed, then a group of children they teach played a match, See it all on HOPS blog.

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Bag by Student

A student who attended my bag class sent pictures of her finished bag and the purse she made from her sample piece.It is so nice to see the finished piece of work made my your students. It was the first bit of felt this lady had made, a great effort on her part.

Friday, 2 July 2010

Having read about Suzann's pod she hung in the garden and a bird started nesting in it, I thought I would post about a piece of my felt.

CHAIN MALE, When new in an exhibition

I put it in our garden, in the shelter we call the bus stop for some obscure reason,

The first year a robin nested in it's head but got disturbed, may be the Magpies, since then birds have taken wool from it, slowly it is disintegrating but interesting to watch.

I intend to put Decopodastica in the garden and photograph it over the next two or three years