Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Today was cold, with an early morning start,it was Apple Day at the Farmers' Market, and a lot of children from the local schools coming to learn about apples, tast different varieties, try some juice and apple cake, I think they enjoyed themselves and hopefully learnt a little about where and how they grow and of course had time out of school.

Apples waiting to be eaten, hands free

waiting to tast different apples.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Helped set up The IFA stand, it looked good, I put Decopodastica up, was pleased with how it looked. Thursday was not as manic as last year, but we were busy, lots of demonstrating. I took some raw fleece with me and felted them in to merino, I just wish there was time to experiment,I have lots of ideas but no time.
Thursday evening had a phone call because my Mother had had a fall, so that was the end of knitting and stitching and come home to help Vanessa. Realised I had missed things I wanted to see, never mind there is always another year.